The digital revolution brings rapid change to our democracies. Borderless communication and unlimited access to information on one side, biased algorithms, as well as fake news on the other. Businesses have a big stake in shaping this transformation – and consequently our democracy. Our toolkit equips businesses and employees with information, reflection impulses and action steps to design their business in a more democratic way!

toolkit for democratic Tech
Why should you use it?
The toolkit increases awareness as to how digital tech affects societies and democracies and can help companies to position themselves as socially responsible organisations, increase social trust in products, or be used to promote the company to new and existing customer groups.
What is in it for you?
Learn from fascinating Democracy by Design best-practices or get introduced to hands-on action steps to start implementing yourself. You want to assess if you’re on the right path? Check out the evaluation. We award you with a digital democracy badge to position yourself as a socially responsible organisation.
How to become a democracy pioneer?
Run through the Toolkit, print off the summary and gather a diverse company team to reflect and discuss your status quo or define next steps.
Start your democratic journey now
Hands-on action steps, best-practices, an evaluation, and a badge - get started with your democratic journey and learn more about the great potential of Fairness, Traceability, Human control and Robust technical infrastructure for society!

The number of users who engaged with the Democracy by Design toolkit so far:

The Democracy Perception Index shows that Big Tech is being perceived as a threat to democracy by nearly 50%. Approaches like Democracy by Design can help to create trustworthy digital technologies and thereby contribute to resilient democracies.
Olaf Böhnke / Partner & Senior Advisor at Alliance of Democracies Foundation
We are determined to set high standards in terms of traceability, personal choice and data protection. Please be reassured, that all of your personal reflections and those with regard to your company will remain anonymous. When developing this tool, we have selected software providers that ensure highest standards for data privacy and collect necessary data only. If you support the Democracy by Design approach, we are happy to receive your anonymous data donations for project related research purposes.
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